Your Individual Strategy Assessment
Helping you identify your individual strategy
for the next move in the professional market
Find the right strategy for you
A Bundle of FOUR Assessments
A Bundle of
Your Personal, Social, Professional, and Impression Strategies
The first step to making a large professional change is to assess where you are at currently. Our five assessments are geared to identify what strategies you are using currently, and how to maximize the benefit from your strategy.
Once you have assessed where you’re at currently, you can make the decision on your next step. We give you actionable next steps for each strategy you are following.
Use the buttons below to explore each of our five assessments:
- Your Boutique Employability: Our free flagship assessment is to identify whether boutique and self-built employability is for you.
- Your Personal Strategy: Identify what strategy you are currently using to maximize your personal strategy in the professional market & act on it.
- Your Social Strategy: Determine the strategy you should be implementing when growing your social capital. How can you make your connections work for you?
- Your Professional Strategy: Pinpoint the next steps on your assessed professional strategy. What steps should you take to make your professional strategy most effective?
- Your Impression Strategy: How do you make a professional impression? What works and what doesn’t? Assess how you make that important impression.
Our Boutique Employability assessment is free–it is important for you to be sure that making a change to your employability strategy is what YOU want.
The four strategy assessments are each from $29.99 to $100 depending on the package you select. The bundle of all four strategies provides you with the complete individual strategy assessment (personal, social, professional, and impression strategies) on the discount price.
Once you take each assessment, an in-depth results file is sent to your email inbox based on the result that you get. The results file you receive is a downloadable PDF document that you can keep forever.