• Targeted time for launching a partnership network of organizations that connect case consultants and case clients through the BE-EDGE method
    • In partnership with the Mayor’s office of the City of Boston, Julia Ivy and Dana Bogatko launched  a shorten version of the “Making Your Case” competition under the pilot name “Making Your Case: Consult-a-thon.” The event became an instant success, attracting attention of media, investors, and potential partners. 


    • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Julia Ivy “Boutique Employability of Global Talents. International Students’ Experience Conference. Boston, MA


    • Workshop for 500+ global talents: “Synchronizing your passion with values of an employer of YOUR choice.” International Students’ Experience Conference. Boston, MA


    • Design-Thinking Focus Group: “Employability Challenges of Educated Millennials” Vorohta, Ukraine.
  • Dana Bogatko, Julia’s daughter, joins BE-EDGE as a COO and eventually becomes CEO. Beyond overseen operations, Dana initiated launching BE-EDGE assessment and BE-EDGE self-coaching and group virtual program, extending the presence of the method far beyond academia. Maria from Belarus, joins BE-EDGE to lead BE-EDGE’s entering into the markets of East Europe.


  • Guest Speaker: Dr. Julia Ivy: The Future of Work. Emerald Publisher Group.


  • Synchronizing the Personal Strategy of Multidimensional Talents with the Business Strategy of the Company. Academy of Business Owners. IPM Business School.


  • Metabizics: Synchronizing Personal and Organizational Strategies through BE-EDGE. Conversations for Consciousness with Jennifer Hill. Awake TV Network.


  • Crafting Your Edge at the Times of Market Disruption. The Secret of Success Radio Show. 


  • Get Yourself the Job: How to Navigate a Troubled Economy and Craft Your Space. LA Talk Radio.


  • Crafting Your Edge for Today’s Job Market. KPOV Open Air


  • Storytelling as a Trust-Building Instrument for Millennials. Tell Me Your Story Podcast


  • How Businesses Can Gain Tested-to-Fit Talents, and What These Talents Must Do. Central Valley Business Times Podcast.


  • A New Direction in Navigating a Job Market with the “BE” Personal Strategy. A New Direction Podcast.
    • Using the BE-EDGE Method to Increase Students Employability. Association for Continuing Higher Education, Denver, CO


    • Make your CASE to shape your SPACE. Western Casewriter Association (WCA), Napa Valley, California.

    • Crafting Students’ EDGE for Today’s Job Market. University of Alaska Southeast (UAS), Juneau, Alaska.


    • Students as Career Designers. Teaching for the “Make Your CASE to Shape Your SPACE” Crafted Employability. Speech for the Teaching Innovation Award Ceremony. D’Amore –McKim School of Business (DMSB). Northeastern University.


    • Emerald Publishing Group publishes the book by Julia Ivy “Crafting Your EDGE for Today’s Job Market: Using BE-EDGE Method for Consulting Cases and Capstone Projects.” The book is for sale in 10 countries. 
  • Strategy is Performance. Professor Julia Ivy on EDGE. Interview, The US Army National Security Seminar, The War College Media Center. Watch it here.


  • Case Writing as Career Coaching Instrument. New View Series. North America Case Research Association. Chicago.


  • The BE-EDGE brand has emerged. With the help of Herald Academic (UK), the four stages of the “Making Your Case” experience have been branded as E-D-G-E, while their goal and targeted outcome is identified as B-E. 
  • Participants of the “Making Your Case” journey receive global recognition; the cases are starting to be invited for international competitions and publication in cases collections. Dr. Ivy keeps collecting the data on participants’ experience.


  • Reflecting on their experience for establishing and empowering their presence in the industry of their choice. They shared their excitement with the opportunity to synchronize with the company, industry, or market of their career or other interest at three levels: the personal level (why I did and that I got from that),
    the social level (trust-based connection and association with people within the company, market, or industry),
    professional level (a chance to justify a value of own multidimensional skillsets for the company, market, or industry)


  • Emergent Strategy and Employability as Topics for Research and Practice. Institute for Privatization and Management, Minsk, Belarus. 
  • Fourth Annual Problem-Solving and Consulting Case-Writing Competition. Award Ceremony and Judges’ Appreciation. Alumni Center, Northeastern University, Boston.


  • Social Capital in a Low-Trust Context. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia. 


  • Dr. Ivy extends the “Making Your Case” experience to senior undergrad students and makes it a structure of their capstone course. She keeps polishing the process and templates behind the method and collecting data on how it works and what impact it makes on people’s effort to establish and empower their presence at the job market. She also keeps collecting the data from the companies that cooperates with individuals in their “Making Your Case” journey. 
  • Projects from International University of Vietnam (Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam) join the “Making You Case” competition.


  • Third Annual Problem-Solving and Consulting Case-Writing Competition. Award Ceremony and Judges’ Appreciation. Alumni Center, Northeastern University, Boston. Learn more here. 


  • Students as Independent Consultants. Workshop for Faculty and Administrators: Academy of Management, Management Consulting Division, Philadelphia.


  • Successes and Challenges in Creating Real-life Consultancy Opportunities for Students. Conference for Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching, Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning through Research (CATLR), Boston.
  • Students from the Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne, Australia) join the “Making Your Case” competition.


  • Second Annual Problem-Solving and Consulting Case-Writing Competition. Award Ceremony and Judges’ Appreciation. College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University, Boston. Learn more here. 


  • Experiences in launching and managing student consultancy projects. Lancaster University, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, United Kingdom.


  • Bridging Learning with Real-Life Challenges through Student-Made Consulting Cases. College of Professional Studies Faculty Conference.


  • Relationship Strategies in a Low-trust Environment. College of Professional Studies Faculty Conference.
    • First Annual Problem-Solving and Consulting Case-Writing Competition. Award Ceremony and Judges’ Appreciation. College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University, Boston. Learn more here. 


    • Writing across curriculum. MS in Leadership, Faculty Development Workshop, Northeastern University.
    • Dr. Ivy launched a first annual “Making Your Case” Consulting Case Writing Competition for master students, supported with “making your case” virtual workshops and group coaching. Through the first four years of operation, the “Making Your Case” competition involved master students from 12 different programs, who were making their cases for business, government, and nonprofit organizations in 22 countries. 
  • Freeride Management: Own Your Way, L2G Institute of Management & Resultat Group, Minsk, Belarus.
  • Action Management, International Institute of Business, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Using information and communication technologies in remote and traditional classrooms. Workshop, 2010 Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
  • L2G enters the market of Eastern Europe with the mission of providing individuals with personal, social, and professional competencies to establish their presence at the global market. 


  • Partnerships established with the IPM Business School (Minsk, Belarus) and International Institute of Business (Kiev, Ukraine)
  • L2G has been established in Juneau, AK, USA

Other Research & Practice-Related Speaking

Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2017

Contextualizing the role of networking in driving innovation. Management and Organization Review Second Research Frontiers Conference III. 

Vancouver, 2015

Making a mark: Relationships for establishing a business presence in post-authoritarian emerging markets. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Philadelphia, 2014

Social capital and venture development in a low-trust environment. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Kiev, 2012

Keynote Speaker: New Trends in Strategy Research. International Institute of Business. 

Chicago, 2009

A role of social capital and donor commitment in a geographically isolated community. 2009 Academy of Management.

Social capital of SMEs in a low-trust society. 2009 Academy of Management, Chicago, August 10. 

Durham, NH, 2008

Danger of Growth. NACRA 2008 Conference.

Oakland, California, 2008

A state-controlled economy vs., a rent-seeking state: Why entrepreneurs would support state officials? Speaking at the Western Academy of Management, 49th Annual Meeting, March 26-March 29, 2008.

Honlulu, Hawaii, 2008

A case study of business education in the context of the state-controlled economy. Speaking at the Global Conference on Business and Finance (GCBF).

Orlando, Florida, 2007

Personal choices of a public manager in a time of uncertainty. Speaking at the International Academy of Business Disciplines Conference, March 30, 2007.

Kiev, Ukraine, 2007

On-line business education for undergraduate and graduate business programs: similarities and differences. International institute of Business.

Arizona State University, 2007

Developing social capital in a small city of Alaska. Speaking at the 6th Qualitative and Multiple Research Methods Institute.

Long Beach, California, 2006

The motivation of managerial choices in a transition economy. Speaking at the Western Academy of Management 47th Annual Meeting.


Can this business be rescued? Speaking at the Western Casewriters Association.

Minsk, Belarus, 2006

Distance education for business people: opportunities and problems. Speaking at The 1st International Conference of Continuing and Executive Business Education.

Miami, Florida, 2005

Middle managers of post-Soviet enterprises: How they implement their decisions. Speaking at the Association for Global Business Annual Conference.

New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005

Managers of state enterprises and private businesses in post-Soviet Belarus: their motives in decision-making. Speaking at the International Academy of Business and Public Disciplines.

Las Vegas, Nevada, 2005

Experiences in selecting the new generation of managers in Eastern Slavic countries. Speaking at the Western Academy of Management, 46th Annual Meeting.

Hawaii, 2005

Teaching capitalism in a country that recovers socialism. Speaking at the 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Business. May 26-29, 2005.

Brno, Czech Republic, 2005

Ethics in unethical environments or absence of ethics? Speaking at the World Association for Case Method Research & Application. Twenty-Second International Conference, July 3 – 6. 2005.

Providence, Rhode Island, 2004

  • Analyzing the time management of executives in a post-Soviet area (Belarus). Speaking at The Case Association. March 30, 2004, Providence, RI.


  • Entrepreneurial activities in an unfriendly environment. Speaking at the Eastern Academy of Management 41st Annual Meeting, March 29, 2004.


  • Problems of management in a fast growing international company in Eastern and Central Europe. Speaking at the 2004 NEBAA International Conference Proceedings, April, 2004.

Juneau, Alaska, 2005

Social Capital of People, Groups, and Organizations, Keynote Speaker, 6th Annual Evening at Egan, Lecture series for the community. 

Alushta, Ukraine, 2002

Creating, Promoting, and Implementing Customized Programs, Speaker, International Conference on Executive Business Education. 

Barcelona, Spain, 2001

Strategic Human Resource Management of Customer-Driven Organizations. Workshop. 

New Britain, Connecticut, USA, 2000

Women’s role in changing environment, League of Women Voters International Night. Speaker. 

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If you are interested in speaking arrangements or workshop arrangements, we’re here! 

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