2022 BE-EDGE 'Inclusion' Consult-a-thon

Online, on the weekends of June 10-11 and June 24-26

Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Russians

Those who stand against the war on the territory of sovereign Ukraine are welcome to apply

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Synchronizing uniqueness of global talents & needs of American employers

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You feel frustrated that you cannot move your professional background and social capital from your home country.
You fear of starting everything from scratch because it keeps many successful educated professionals from fleeing unsafe environments.
You’ve made such a long way and you’ve been through a lot. You wish to present your unique experience and prove your professional worth to local employers but no one is willing to trust an alien.

We know how you feel.

With that in mind, we created BE-EDGE ‘Inclusion’ Consult-a-thon as a method, tool, and platform to help establish your professional presence and build your portfolio in the US market.

What is BE-EDGE 'Inclusion' Consult-a-thon?

BE-EDGE ‘Inclusion’ Consult-a-thon is a weekend-based event that aims to synchronize the competitive strategies of global talents and their potential employers.

  • Global talents play the role of CASE CONSULTANTS for the challenge of THEIR choice.
  • Potential Employers accept the role of BE-EDGE CASE CLIENTS that share a real challenge that the company is currently working on, and are interested in the value of expertise that global talents can bring to the table.

Who can become case consultants?

Skilled Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Russians, legally located in the United States, are welcome to apply.

Criteria for acceptance: 

  • Professional readiness: High education and/or intensive experience that let you work on a solution for a real-life challenge.
  • Professional readiness: Openness to a new environment. Willingness to apply your expertise for solving the challenge of the Case Client
  • Being against the war in Ukraine.

What is here for relocated global talents = case consultants?

Get professional connections and recommendations; receive a ready-to-present portfolio piece based on a real company in the US market.
Try a new role and explore the American market in a safe environment with guidance from professional mentors.
Receive professional templates, career coaching, psychological support, and legal immigration advice.
Learn how to connect with the company, market, industry, in the new business culture.

What Companies are welcome as case clients?

US-based businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations are welcome to apply.

Criteria for acceptance: 

  • Being against the war in Ukraine. Being willing to help professionals, that had to escape their home countries because of Putin’s regime.
  • Professional openness: Being ready to share a real challenge that asks for innovation and diversity in solutions. Having an open mind for solutions, generated for your organization.
  • Psychological openness: Being interested in cooperating with educated immigrants that are ready and capable for problem-solving

What is here for local businesses = case clients?

Get a pathway for solving the challenge that the company currently faces.

Also, potentially, have the solution implemented by those who ideated it, instead of putting away another consulting project.

Connect personally and professionally with driven and educated people from around the world.

Gain a competitive edge by having access to global talents with experience in emerging economies.

Get a real-world assessment for global talents.
Donating to people who had to flee their home country is important now, while the consult-a-thon is a long-term way to help educated immigrants by providing them an opportunity to establish their presence in the US market.

What to expect?

You follow four [E-D-G-E] stages of connection with the company on personal, social, professional, and shared joy levels. The aim is to invest in your [B-E] boutique employability in the American market.

Weekend 1: June 10-11 

  • E: Elucidating your professional CORE as a problem solver and global talent. Finding “your” challenge. Meeting the team. 
  • D: Developing  CONNECTION & TRUST with the company.

June 10 (Friday),  5:30 pm — 8 pm

Dr. Julia Ivy provides instructions for the “E” stage. Case Clients present the challenges that ask for solutions.
Case Consultants choose the challenge from which they will benefit most.
Case Consultants meet team members — people that have chosen the same challenge to work on.
First deliverable: Our Choice.


June 11 (Saturday),  9 am – 8 pm

Dr. Julia Ivy provides instructions for the “D” stage.
Teams of Case Consultants meet their Case Clients.
Case Consultants interview Case Clients on the background of the challenge.
Second deliverable: Our Company.


Between the weekends: flexible schedule, defined by the teams of Case Consultants:


Teamwork on collecting market and industry information.
Learning the Case Client’s market and industry.



Weekend 2: June 18-19 (Optional) 

June 18 (Saturday), 10 am-12 pm:

Meeting with an immigration attorney.
Possible options for global talents and refugees; employment paperwork.

Meeting with an HR professional.
Career Session: US resumé style, interview tips, US workplace culture.


June 18 (Saturday) and June 19 (Sunday), 2 pm – 5 pm: Two meetings with an expert in psychological adaptation.


Psychology Group №1 (3 hrs): Psychology of Change. Managing pitfalls of adapting to the new reality
Psychology Groups №2 (3h): Peer groups: gathering group resources, recognizing the limits, understanding own strengths, and releasing past experiences
Assimilation of experience


Between the weekends: Flexible schedule

Teams meet regularly, subject to team members’ availability.
Case analysis: Connecting the dots.
Ideation for the solution.



Weekend 3: June 24-26 (Friday evening – Sunday morning):

  • G: Meeting a mentor for feedback on your solution ideas. Developing prototype and testing mechanism. Professional connections.
  • E: Delivering a solution to the client. Mentors’ feedback. Connection on the level of shared joy.

June 24  Meeting a mentor. Presenting the ideas for solutions to the professional mentor. Get feedback and discuss.

June 25: Improving the case


Having feedback from the mentor, make improvements, and work on the final presentation for the client.

June 26: Final presentation

Final presentation on generated value to the client business.


After the BE-EDGE ‘Inclusion’ Consult-a-thon

  • BE:  Updating your Linkedin profile: posting Case Brief, sharing consulting experience, receiving recommendations and endorsements,  staying in contact with a Case Client for potential implementation of your ideas and other opportunities.

How much is it to participate in the 'Inclusion' Consult-a-thon?

Educated immigrants, interested in new opportunities $500
Educated immigrants who currently have to engage in unskilled labor $250
Educated immigrants – 2022 refugees, displaced by the war $50

'Inclusion' Consult-a-thon FAQ

FAQ question 1

FAQ response 1

FAQ question 2

FAQ response 2

FAQ question 3

FAQ response 3

FAQ question 4

FAQ response 4