
Prior to this capstone course, I was still under a suffocating impression that to work on international growth projects (expansion via market-entry or via m&a), it involved a heavily financial-focused process that would eventually exclude me from opportunities to see the character of projects I would like to. The final project — a real-life consulting case for a company’s dilemma of which European market to choose for a further extension — changed my perspective.

I referred to this consulting project in my interviews and proved that I was able to connect with a client and add value to the company. I got the job of my dream!

I felt that after this project I had a new confidence and a new respect for the qualitative analyses required to work internationally at any individual or enterprise level. I gained a much more firm understanding of strategy frameworks we had breezed over in previous coursework as well as some entirely new ones. Together, they added up to a complex toolbox that could be used in a number of settings throughout my career ahead. I found it stimulating and was very appreciative to had had the opportunity to take this as my very last MBA course. I felt more confident going into interviews and it closed the program as a holistic learning experience with the project for a company that actually mattered.