Subject area: Competitive Strategy, Growth Strategy, International Business Strategy, International Non-Profits, Sustainability & Development
Region: Rwanda, East Africa
Industry: Fashion
Company: IMWE
Decision Maker: Brianna and Skyler
Dilemma: Brianna and Skyler, both seniors at Large Private University in Macon, Georgia, found themselves sitting in a classroom with other students. The class they had registered for was an entrepreneurship practicum that would fill a requirement towards their degree. Their professor explained to them that the project for their course this semester was to work with a business and help solve their issues at hand. Author 1 knew just the brand they could work on.
“One of the brands we could help is IMWE” Brianna said with a smile on her face. IMWE, a brand that was created by students at the University, was already known by this professor, which led him to say, “That is a good idea Brianna!” So, Brianna and Skyler were hired as consultants to help develop business strategies for IMWE.
One Wednesday morning, they decided to sit in IMWE to listen and understand more about the brand, they listened to the professor explain to her students about IMWE. After about 20 minutes had passed, the professor called them up in front of the class.
“Hi everyone, these are our consultants for IMWE, Brianna and Skyler,” said Dr. Eveland. “They will be helping over the next couple of weeks, to implement a solution for our issues that we are currently facing.”
The team introduced themselves and expressed their intentions as consultants for the students and professor of the class. They then would go on to work as a team to reach the issues discussed and better the business of IMWE.
Category: Competitive Strategy, Growth Strategy, International Business Strategy, International Non-Profits, Sustainability & Development