BE-EDGE Center for Global Talents


Prepare your students for the demands of the future workforce.

“Each university project must serve as a stepping-stone for students in getting ready for the next chapter in their life. Each of them.

Jeff, MBA student, US Army Veteran


International Students

Integrate their diverse backgrounds and multidimensional skill sets into a competitive edge

Career Changers

Assist mid-life career changers in aligning their skills with modern job demands.

Gen Zs

Seek innovative ways to engage Gen Z students who want personalized career paths.

Your universities can employ the three options

How it works


Extra-curricular options for students

Option 1 is the lightest in integration. It offers extra-curricular opportunities open for students.

Examples: elective choices within career centers, direct studies, and employability-focused and consulting cases-focused student clubs

  • YOUR ACTIONS: If your university selects this option, you announce this opportunity in the students’ newsletter, list it on your university’s career-focused website, and let students know it is available. Invite Dr. Ivy for a keynote speech for students “Become an investor in your own edge.”

  • CONS: The program is not customized to the specifics of the university’s students or programs and does not collect data on students’ investment into their employability and its outcomes.

  • PROS: If students are interested, they can join the center, where they meet students from other schools and countries. They can start their student club as a local chapter of the BE-EDGE Center for Global Talents.


Unique offers for particular groups of students

Option 2 is a subscription tailored for a distinguished group of students. Universities can research this group’s employability sources.

Examples: honor students, international students from a particular region, career changers, veterans, and senior citizens,.

  • YOUR ACTIONS: If your university selects this option, connect Dr. Ivy with the selected group (say, veterans, career changers, or international students) to discuss the group’s specifics and expectations.

  • CONS: The university’s decision on subscription for a minimum of 25 individuals. Potential resistance of gateholders to curriculum adaptation.

  • PROS: You receive a tailored program that distinguishes these students as global talents across colleges, an opportunity for joint research on the employability of this population, and data on their profile and drives as global talents for the “future of work.”


Integrated into the college/ program curriculum

Option 3 is the most integrated option, as we work closely with the college to incorporate employability-crafting activities into the curriculum.

Example: The gate course, the becoming case consultant course, the midterm, and the capstone are tailored for the MS in International Management.

  • YOUR ACTIONs: The integration starts with Dr. Julia Ivy’s buy-in workshop for faculty and staff involved in the program and students’ success. Based on the data collected in the workshop, we “make the case” to develop a fully tailored product with faculty and staff involvement.

  • CONS: While this option provides the highest result in synchronizing students and “the future of work,”, it also requires more resources and the university’s will.

  • PROS: The center will be fully tailored for your program and its students, including customized assignments, collected data, joint publications, and buy-in for faculty and staff.


University board that focuses on competitiveness and employability measures

Measures of student and industry satisfaction, along with graduates’ employability, are included.

For the students who wish to differentiate themselves

As professionals in a new country or industry, they find meaning in their projects by honing their personal strategies and building impactful portfolios.

Faculty interested in industry-focused research and publications

Using BE-EDGE tools, instructors mentor students on the consulting case process and help them create cases for the Making Your Consulting Case (MYCC) competitions and publications.

Employers who need multidimensional talents

Synchronized with employers’ needs, the BE-EDGE Method has been implemented in 250+ organizations across 23 countries to align talents with employer realities.



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Her book Crafting Your Edge for Today’s Job Market: Using the BE-EDGE Method for Consulting Cases and Capstone Projects gained wide coverage in media, received strong reviews and has been been applied to projects for employers in 22 countries.


If you believe that BE-EDGE would be good for your college, please first choose the package that fits your college’s needs best. We will be also glad to design a customized package for your college.

Then, engage a relevant decision maker in your college. Most often these are deans, program directors, career center directors, or community engagement leaders.


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