Other Research & Practice-Related Speaking

Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2017

Contextualizing the role of networking in driving innovation. Management and Organization Review Second Research Frontiers Conference III. 

Vancouver, 2015

Making a mark: Relationships for establishing a business presence in post-authoritarian emerging markets. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Philadelphia, 2014

Social capital and venture development in a low-trust environment. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Kiev, 2012

Keynote Speaker: New Trends in Strategy Research. International Institute of Business. 

Chicago, 2009

A role of social capital and donor commitment in a geographically isolated community. 2009 Academy of Management.

Social capital of SMEs in a low-trust society. 2009 Academy of Management, Chicago, August 10. 

Durham, NH, 2008

Danger of Growth. NACRA 2008 Conference.

Oakland, California, 2008

A state-controlled economy vs., a rent-seeking state: Why entrepreneurs would support state officials? Speaking at the Western Academy of Management, 49th Annual Meeting, March 26-March 29, 2008.

Honlulu, Hawaii, 2008

A case study of business education in the context of the state-controlled economy. Speaking at the Global Conference on Business and Finance (GCBF).

Orlando, Florida, 2007

Personal choices of a public manager in a time of uncertainty. Speaking at the International Academy of Business Disciplines Conference, March 30, 2007.

Kiev, Ukraine, 2007

On-line business education for undergraduate and graduate business programs: similarities and differences. International institute of Business.

Arizona State University, 2007

Developing social capital in a small city of Alaska. Speaking at the 6th Qualitative and Multiple Research Methods Institute.

Long Beach, California, 2006

The motivation of managerial choices in a transition economy. Speaking at the Western Academy of Management 47th Annual Meeting.


Can this business be rescued? Speaking at the Western Casewriters Association.

Minsk, Belarus, 2006

Distance education for business people: opportunities and problems. Speaking at The 1st International Conference of Continuing and Executive Business Education.

Miami, Florida, 2005

Middle managers of post-Soviet enterprises: How they implement their decisions. Speaking at the Association for Global Business Annual Conference.

New Orleans, Louisiana, 2005

Managers of state enterprises and private businesses in post-Soviet Belarus: their motives in decision-making. Speaking at the International Academy of Business and Public Disciplines.

Las Vegas, Nevada, 2005

Experiences in selecting the new generation of managers in Eastern Slavic countries. Speaking at the Western Academy of Management, 46th Annual Meeting.

Hawaii, 2005

Teaching capitalism in a country that recovers socialism. Speaking at the 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Business. May 26-29, 2005.

Brno, Czech Republic, 2005

Ethics in unethical environments or absence of ethics? Speaking at the World Association for Case Method Research & Application. Twenty-Second International Conference, July 3 – 6. 2005.

Providence, Rhode Island, 2004

  • Analyzing the time management of executives in a post-Soviet area (Belarus). Speaking at The Case Association. March 30, 2004, Providence, RI.


  • Entrepreneurial activities in an unfriendly environment. Speaking at the Eastern Academy of Management 41st Annual Meeting, March 29, 2004.


  • Problems of management in a fast growing international company in Eastern and Central Europe. Speaking at the 2004 NEBAA International Conference Proceedings, April, 2004.

Juneau, Alaska, 2005

Social Capital of People, Groups, and Organizations, Keynote Speaker, 6th Annual Evening at Egan, Lecture series for the community. 

Alushta, Ukraine, 2002

Creating, Promoting, and Implementing Customized Programs, Speaker, International Conference on Executive Business Education. 

Barcelona, Spain, 2001

Strategic Human Resource Management of Customer-Driven Organizations. Workshop. 

New Britain, Connecticut, USA, 2000

Women’s role in changing environment, League of Women Voters International Night. Speaker. 

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