Navigate your new path with a strategy to stand out and succeed.




Connect with individuals equipped with three key capitals. Alternatively, businesses can create their own talent pipeline.



This is your Journey

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What’s in it for all of us?

A place where we all come together with a shared goal: to grow personally and professionally, to learn new skills, and to discover talents that will shape the future of work. It’s a collaborative space for individuals and businesses to connect, innovate, and prepare for the evolving demands of tomorrow’s workforce.

Frequently asked Questions

About Dr. Julia Ivy, the expert behind the BE-EDGE Center

Julia Ivy, Ph.D. Psych and Ph.D. Mgmt is a scholar in personal positioning strategy and boutique employability for the “future of work.” Dr. Ivy is also an Executive Professor of Strategy and International Business. Ivy’s drive is to combine psychology and strategy to help individuals craft their own market entry strategy at the “what’s next?” stage of their professional lives. More about Dr. Ivy here.

What is BE-EDGE Method for employability?

The BE-EDGE Method is a sequence of actions that lets individuals who ask the “what’s next?” question craft their edge for new professional territories.

Through the E-D-G-E steps, students work on honing their differentiator as (BE) Boutique Employability – employability based on a unique combination of their already accumulated multi-dimensional competencies, including their backgrounds.

How BE-EDGE is based on research & practice

The BE-EDGE Center is based on comprehensive research in psychology and strategy.

Dr. Ivy’s first Ph.D. is in psychology, on the topic of Reflection on Significant Choices. In a nutshell, Ivy compared individuals’ I should, I would, and I wouldn’t criteria for making professional and personal choices and revealed five patterns that graduates follow in building their lives.

How the BE-EDGE Center for Global Talents works?

The center promotes Boutique Employability– the individuals’ ability to contribute their multidimensional backgrounds to the diversity and competitiveness of the modern workplace, by guiding students through personalized career path illumination, competitive advantage building, and networking.

What is the BE-EDGE process?

BE-EDGE method is a sequence of actions, using the E-D-G-E steps (Elucidate your core, Develop social and professional trust, Generate value, Excite the market by making an impact) to help craft the differentiator by investing in a student’s personal, social, professional, and impression capitals.

Why was the center created?

Over 80% of international students are unsure about their career path after graduation. They struggle to gain the real-world experience and are often caught between an aspirational “I should” mindset—improving skills, learning about new cultures, and socializing—and a preferential “I would rather” mindset—just getting a job and staying in their comfort zones. To overcome these challenges, they need a strategy to stand out and showcase their multidimensional talents.

How do we navigate this journey as a member?

Members are offered a series of courses, workshops and events that helps them to navigate the EDGE steps along with the mindsets of “I should” – learn more about the market and industry, “I do” – practical consulting cases to gain experience, and avoiding the “I would” rather ideology by stepping out of their comfort zone, connecting with like-minded people, and practicing socializing skills in a safe space.